Monday, May 5, 2008

Remember When?

Remember when you were just starting out, maybe in college or just getting ready to get married? For me it was 16 years ago when I finished college and got married. This weekend we went on a day trip South to celebrate my nephew's graduation from college. We were also celebrating his engagement and upcoming wedding plans for this Summer.

I am the proud Aunt to over 25 kiddos and young adults, but this boy was the ring bearer at my wedding. I do remember his arms growing tired from the weight of the ring pillow and the groomsman having to lend a helping hand. He was so cute and small, just four years old.

Being the youngest of ten, I started my career as an Aunt at the age of 11 and was the pro babysitter. It is with pure joy I witness these once children grown and entering the world as confident capable adults. Some of my nephews have families of their own. Many are entering and exiting college, faster than I can count. The oldest of the nephews is overseas on a mission trip, taking on responsibilities I can hardly fathom.

At the end of the month we will travel North for another graduation this time a niece, she was in my wedding also. I have to say one of the highlights of the day was hearing my great niece at age four share her plans for the future..."I wish I could be a mermaid, but I guess I'll be a dentist".


Storytellin' Mama said...

Time goes by! When my first son was little, he was featured in the newspaper when he told the reporter he was going to be a space alien when he grew up.

testing123 said...

Pretty amazing where we've all ended up.. After your wedding we all spent a week on houseboats on lake mead. That was one of the most memorable and fun vacations of my life. At that point I would have never imagined that I would be living and serving in Kathmandu Nepal. BTW I love the blog. Tell the fam hi for me.

the kitchen gnomes said...

Way to go Linda!!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It is a little scary though isn't it? Well, maybe not for you, but for me it's been a stretch. You can tell by my posts that are few and long between. You inspire me!
Love, karen