Sunday, October 26, 2008

My One Month Post - I'm where I am supposed to be.


Genny over at my cup 2 yours is one of my favorite sites to visit. She is hosting a contest challenging her readers to write a post and share insights into what they would do if they only had one month to live.

To reflect on this question, I must first share that I am a working mommy. I work outside the home while trying to keep my family first. I have struggled with this over the years, but I work in the best possible job doing something I feel I was destined to do. I am a speech pathologist and feel very passionate about my work. I work in the schools so my hours are great for my children.

This being said, I have a problem at the end of every summer. I have a major depression readjustment about the end of summer and the return to work and school. It's not just for me, I hate sending my kids back to school and genuinely love having them around. I hate the homework, the schedule, the pressure, the conflicts and the stress. My kids do pretty well in school and I still dread the end of summer!

Each year my end of summer blues were getting worse until...two years ago. I had an epiphany in church, something to the effect of "life is not an Elle party".

Yes folks, that became my mantra. "Life is not a party for me." God never intended life to be easy or a personal party, there are no endless summers and no free lunches. I consider myself very blessed to have the glorious summer and the wonderful unscheduled time with my kids. I am certain that I am right where I should be during the school year. I work to help young children and their families. God has been so gracious to give me wonderful summers off to enjoy my kids and recharge my batteries.

Of course, it would be nice if my last month was in the summer. If not, I believe I am right where I am supposed to be.

I would make some little tweaks... make less lists, try to be present more, seize more moments, and try to make each moment count.

I would write in and read my own blog more! My favorite blog of all time is my own, not because it can hold a candle to some of my favorites.

Fingerprints is my favorite because I write first and foremost for me. My blog is about; my kids, my love, my thoughts and my life. I am thankful for the gift of my life. keeping a journal online or otherwise helps me reflect, focus and embrace this gift God has given me.
One key goal I am always striving for is to live my life to an audience of one... God.

So Carpe Diem - seize the day or the moment and start living your life with no regrets, I hope you feel you are right where you are supposed to be today.

My One Month hosted by My Cup 2 Yours


Chel's Leaving a Legacy said...

Beautifully written, Elle. I love the phrase "audience of One."

I think I may have to share your ephiphany of "life is not a personal party" with my oldest son. He really believes that's what life's about I think. :-)

And I agree: blogging is a great tool for reflecting and focusing on and embracing...and sharing...our life. Simply therapeutic.

Storytellin' Mama said...

I love your post... how inspiring to be right where you are supposed to be!!

It is difficult sometimes to make peace with the many hats we sometimes where and I'm glad you are in such an accepting place!

Genny said...


This was great! I love what you shared, and I'm sure you ARE exactly where you are supposed to be. It sounds like you are able to touch many kids' lives through your job.

I also like how you said you write for YOU...I think that is so important. And I'll have to remember that "life is not a party" part. What a great perspective.

Thanks so much for joining me in this. I'm so glad you did!

Honey Mommy said...

This post really got me thinking. I have been feeling "right where I am supposed to be" lately, but there are some things I can do better at and enjoy more.

Time to seize the day.

Momisodes said...

I love Genny's blog as well.

This was such a beautiful post. That is wonderful you enjoy your work, family, and writing as much as you do. That unfortunately, is something some people struggle to find throughout a lifetime.

A lovely post :)

Wendelyn DeMoss said...

I do love Genny's site and have not had much time to do that exercise. I love it that you did and you did it well! I do know that the first month or two of fall semester is so stressful because you are trying to get all of the many kids scheduled, new kids tested and many IEPs. You do have a stressful job in the school and you are also right that you provide such a valuable service. Especially with your language knowledge, those teachers are lucky too!
I also like that you write your blog for you. I wanted my posts to be a way to process what was going on inside my head and to remind myself to live an abundant life. I love your one month are an amazing person! I am so glad I have met style!

Genny said...

I have a mention for you over at my site today. :)

Monica said...

I found you from Genny's link. You have a great philosophy. I enjoyed your post!

Mozi Esme said...

I LOVE this post! I think I'm with you on writing less lists - I am such a list person, but I've been wondering if that's distracting me from living. I've got to ponder that one a bit more, because I think without the lists I'd be a scatterbrained mess (or am I that already?).