Friday, October 31, 2008

Our Favorite Pumpkin Patch

Yes we are a little late picking pumpkins..but better late than never.

So many different kinds!
Then it was time to carve them up.

Pumpkin Pumpkin
Round and Fat
I see your face just like that!

The kids will throw the seeds out on the back hill, hoping to grow their own for next year.

I am playing Photo Story Friday, check out more photo stories this Halloween.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My One Month Post - I'm where I am supposed to be.


Genny over at my cup 2 yours is one of my favorite sites to visit. She is hosting a contest challenging her readers to write a post and share insights into what they would do if they only had one month to live.

To reflect on this question, I must first share that I am a working mommy. I work outside the home while trying to keep my family first. I have struggled with this over the years, but I work in the best possible job doing something I feel I was destined to do. I am a speech pathologist and feel very passionate about my work. I work in the schools so my hours are great for my children.

This being said, I have a problem at the end of every summer. I have a major depression readjustment about the end of summer and the return to work and school. It's not just for me, I hate sending my kids back to school and genuinely love having them around. I hate the homework, the schedule, the pressure, the conflicts and the stress. My kids do pretty well in school and I still dread the end of summer!

Each year my end of summer blues were getting worse until...two years ago. I had an epiphany in church, something to the effect of "life is not an Elle party".

Yes folks, that became my mantra. "Life is not a party for me." God never intended life to be easy or a personal party, there are no endless summers and no free lunches. I consider myself very blessed to have the glorious summer and the wonderful unscheduled time with my kids. I am certain that I am right where I should be during the school year. I work to help young children and their families. God has been so gracious to give me wonderful summers off to enjoy my kids and recharge my batteries.

Of course, it would be nice if my last month was in the summer. If not, I believe I am right where I am supposed to be.

I would make some little tweaks... make less lists, try to be present more, seize more moments, and try to make each moment count.

I would write in and read my own blog more! My favorite blog of all time is my own, not because it can hold a candle to some of my favorites.

Fingerprints is my favorite because I write first and foremost for me. My blog is about; my kids, my love, my thoughts and my life. I am thankful for the gift of my life. keeping a journal online or otherwise helps me reflect, focus and embrace this gift God has given me.
One key goal I am always striving for is to live my life to an audience of one... God.

So Carpe Diem - seize the day or the moment and start living your life with no regrets, I hope you feel you are right where you are supposed to be today.

My One Month hosted by My Cup 2 Yours

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Spider Story - Just in Time for Halloween

Round one - The tarantula hawk is trying to take down the tarantula. According to the artist and wildlife expert a tarantula hawk will paralyze it's victim with a bite and lay eggs in him - Eeeww!

Round two - The tarantula got away, until the artist captured him under a bucket for later observation.

See video here for details.

I am playing Photo Story Friday.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Monday, October 20, 2008

14 Years

14 years ago my boy was born.

His hand print then...

The Artist today...

We celebrated the day at a museum & aquarium.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pressing the Wine

Watching the wine be pressed is oh so fun !
Now it will go into a barrel for approximately 24 months.
I am playing Wordless Wednesday at five minutes for mom.
Check out other Wednesday posts.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Too Many Pumpkins

Tuesday Tale – Too Many Pumpkins

I have had the nice surprise of meeting a fellow blogger who is also a Speech Pathologist!

She is starting a new series on Tuesdays called Tuesday Tales. She will review a children’s book and give insight and ideas on how to expand children’s language skills through books. As a huge fan of children’s literature and a big believer in the power of books, I am honored to guest post on this new venture from time to time. Her website is AVT coach.

The book I have chosen is Too Many Pumpkins, by Linda White and Illustrated by Megan Lloyd. A great read for October.

The simple story introduces us to its main character a senior woman by the name of Rebecca Estelle. Rebecca an avid gardener, enjoyed growing everything except Pumpkins. She hated pumpkins. Rebecca had vowed never to even look at a pumpkin again and she didn’t until... Autumn day several pumpkins fell off a passing truck in her front yard. We spend much of the next few pages watching Rebecca try to rid herself of the pumpkins. In the end the reader is pleasantly surprised to see the change in this character’s attitude about something she hated for a long time.

For the complete review head over to AVT coach's website.

My favorite thing about this story is we get to witness a character who ends up changing her mind. Learning that there is always a chance we could change our minds is a great life lesson for old and young alike.

I hope you all find a great read this October and enjoy the magic of a book shared with a child.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Golden Nuggets, Caution Slips and The Free Market Economy of the Fourth Grade

Last night at dinner, my bookworm made a surprising announcement.

"I am buying a blank caution slip from my friend for four golden nuggets."

(Caution slips are given to children when they are in big trouble and usually involves a trip to the principal's office)

She proceeded to explain how a friend of hers was given a blank caution slip and now apparently the fourth graders in room 12 decided it was a very valuable commodity. The bidding began, with one student offering to loan the child a favorite pen while others offered favors. With many children attempting to gain possession of the slip, the bidding switched to a more specific currency, golden nuggets. Golden nuggets are a paper ticket given out for good behavior to be used at the class store for prizes. My daughter informed me that she had won the auction and she and her friend shook on it.

I was still shocked and feeling like I should reprimand my child. I was thinking of warning her that she could get in big trouble, but her uncle and father beat me to the punch. They proceeded to shower her with praise and encouragement for this recent endeavor.

Before giving my lecture, I decided to dig deeper and ask her why she wanted the caution slip. Her eyes lit up as she explained how she wanted to have it so she could give it out to some ill behaved student if needed. The glint in her eye revealed how she relished the power she would wield as the possessor of the blank caution slip. I could barely keep a straight face as the look in her eye reminded me of the power the ring had over Frodo in Tolkien's recent cinematic tale.

Ah the desire for power, so intoxicating and undeniably strong, perhaps this is what happened on Wall Street. One too many souls getting that glazed over look and letting power and greed take the wheel. Quick grab a blank caution slip.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sorting the Fruit - Sticky Fun

Sorting Fun...

With Harvest upon us, and all that harvest time brings to the vineyard/wine business, I have not been able to post. More posts will be coming soon. In the meantime, check out how many people sorted our fruit! If you counted correctly, there were seven in the video. My Love is almost completely hidden on the other side of the sorting table, but if you look closely, you can see his legs. When I wasn't taking pics and joined the sorting crew, there were eight.